so it was a potpourri of people from around the world! We ate lots of cheap, CHEAP pizza, went to the arcade alot, and spent lots of time enjoying the nightlife by sitting on a patio of the Roxy Burger bar, which was awesome cause its a patio on the main downtown street in Vancouver. So we played games like Binary, lets-see-how-many-times-the-same-homeless-guy-asks-us-for-change-after-forgetting-he-did-already-5-seconds-ago, Watch Oliver Hit on The Bartender Unsuccessfully, and etc. So all in good fun.
The one story i'd like to tell was an amazing one - me and Phil (another language teacher) went out with an Aussie (Michael) and Hans the German. Hans got picked up by a 40 something year old American broad who got into a screaming match with me and Phil because she doesn't like Sarah Palin.
I don't like Sarah Palin either - but this woman is a hardcore rightwing Republican who thinks no woman is fit for any authority figure type job. We then convinced her to admit she believed Obama was a terrorist, which she did. Anyway we were just pulling her chain and having fun with her but man did she hate us socialist canadian bastards hahah. she was also MARRIED trying to pick Hans up.
Either way she was retardedly drunk, and her and her friend John (another incredibly racist and sexist conservative but a sweet gentleman ironically) actually ended up leaving the bar STIFFING HANS WITH THE BILL (phil and I had left long before cause we had training the next morning). Hans refused to pay the bartenders and they threatened to call the cops so he said "fine call the cops but im not paying it, i didn't drink it".
So the cops came and Hans talked to the cops but nothing really happened...the cops took his info and said he had to pay the bar, Hans said no, and the cop said he'd be back to arrest him in a few days if he still hadn't paid. The cop never came back. Hans can tell you the story and its much funnier when it tells it...
Here be some pix
the one on the left is the famous Hans, in the left pic theres two new zealanders who were in my hostel room (dave and shaun). in the pic on the right, my beloved aussie brethren Shane and Olliver. Michael is not in the pic cause hes not cool enough.
The pic isn't very good but its of me on a cop car pretending to get arrested, but the police themselves wouldn't join in grrr. we took pix of them anyway (look below) cause they loved us! And shane acting like afool ho ho ho

this is our boyband pose picture, where we all look off into different directions. Originally i had my back to the camera, and now i think i should have stayed that way.
1 comment:
BAHAHAHAH that's awesome. Awwww, miss u scotty!
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