So here you go, some Japan pictures! First off: look at how much friggin food they give you on Japan Airlines, holy crap. They fed me like 3 times, and gave me free booze whenever i wanted. I had 3 beers and 2 plum wines! Woohooooo. And the beers were huge compared to what u get on NA flights! jeez! and each Seat had a small TV monitor and you got to choose what movies u wanted to watch! i watched Iron Man and Indiana Jones, and a Jackie chan movie i forget the name of.
And theres Japan when we were over it. Some small town or something i gues.
and whats a better first Japanese picture than...a friggin vending machine in the airport. Honestly theres a vending machine on every corner, its not a lie. They're really there.
Here's me at Narita airport, exhausted cause its 3AM vancouver time, after a 10 hour flight. Thats yumi! my friend who i met at York last year on student exchange who moved back to Tokyo.
And then i had a 2 hour wait before a 2 hour flight to Fukuoka, where I drank with a boss of mine from Head office (i didn't know it at the time and was probably a bit too casual but he seemed to like me, he was too casual himself!) and a few other teachers.
Here's my first glance at urban japan. Fukuoka random street. I should have taken a pic of a way better area...
There's me having a few drinks at 6AM Vancouver time before i finally went to my apartment for the night and crashed and went to sleep after watching some crazy Japanese TV. The other picture is a giant Alien replica made out of scrap metal. yep.
More pics of Fukuoka, awesome city really. Size of Toronto in population, not so sure about actual land mass...anyway, those are some pictures of what one of my bosses called the "smallest protest he's ever seen", done by the Japanese civil labour union or something, consisting of like 6 people with a Police escort. amazing. bwahha
Then i went on a 4 hour bus ride to my city Kagoshima! the bus ride had amazing scenery but you can't tell when its a rainy day and your camera is inside a bus with dirty windows:
Then i arrived in Kagoshima to find two teachers waiting for me at the bus station, who drove me to my apartment, and then we promptly went out for drinks with some of the other teachers! 2 from California, two Brits, and one New Zealander. All are damn swell :-D
That's it for my arrival in Japan, stay tuned for lots of drinking with coworkers, seeing the great volcano Sakurajima, climbing Mount Kaimon, and the long awaited pictures of my tiny apartment! woohooooo! And much more! Does anyone care? I don't care if you care! Im gonna post them anyway!
where is my comment???
oh i wrote in the wrong place
so 1) i heard those vending machines are everywhere, lol japan likes profit
2) it looks so pretty!
3) i want to see your hair and a volcano!!
4) is it warm???
sooo jealousssssssss
oh my goodness scott, i can't wait for more pictures and blogging madness. i miss you and it looks like you are having a great time.. see you next september :)
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